Dr Tina Rath
Photograph by Philippa Harris

“I do not believe in vampires nor do I encourage drinking blood!”
Dr Tina Rath
Tina Rath – The Academic Vampire News Page
March 2006
From: THE HORROR CHANNEL Scott A Johnson
“The theme of the stories are varied, moving from classic horror to purely revolting (but excellently written) prose to cultural fantasy. What does not very, however, is that each author knows his/her business.
Choosing the most impressive story from this volume is an exercise in futility. They’re all very good, otherwise they wouldn’t be here. There are, however, a few stories that rise at least a few breaths above the others. Standouts in this forty-four piece collection include Douglas Clegg’s “The Skin of the World”, Richard Muller’s “And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead,” and that they belong next to the greats with stories such as Tina Rath’s haunting tale A TRICK OF THE DARK,” and Melanie Fazi’s “The Cajun Knot”.
April 2005
Tina’s story A TRICK OF THE DARK has been chosen for THE YEAR’S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR: Eighteenth Annual Collection, edited by Ellen Datlow and Kelly Link & Gavin Grant to be published by St Martin’s Press, LLC, in the US and Canada in August and for THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF BEST NEW HORROR, Vol 16 edited by Steve Jones
October 2004
STRANGE TALES won the World Fantasy Award for the best anthology. See the award winners at http://www.worldfantasy.org/awards/
See Dr Rath on Dracula in The Sacramento Bee (Sac Ticket//SRAI//In a dramatic vein) and on Chicago Radio: Wgnradioscom-Radio 720 WGN – Chicago’s News and Talk at Halloween.
August 2004
STRANGE TALES has been nominated for a World Fantasy Award. See the books on the shortlist at http://www.worldfantasy.org/awards/
July 2004
CONVENTIONAL VAMPIRES has been nominated as one of the best anthologies of the year by the British Fantasy Society and one of the stories (Mike Chislett’s MARA) has been chosen by Steven Jones for this year’s BEST NEW HORROR.
June 2004
Tina has short stories in two recent anthologies:
The Mammoth Book of Vampires, edited by Steve Jones, published in June 2004 by Robinson (UK) and Carroll and Graf (USA) contains her TRICK OF THE DARK and Great Ghost Stories, edited by Steve Jones and R Chetwynd Hayes (a reprint of some of the ghost stories originally published by the late, great Chetwynd-Hayes) published Junes 2004 by Cemetery Dance Books, USA and Carroll and Graf USA, contains her “intricately plotted” short story of love and murder THE FETCH.
News from 2003
Tina has edited a book of short, completely original vampire stories, which have been produced to celebrate the Dracula Society’s 30th Anniversary Convention. Entitled CONVENTIONAL VAMPIRES it is available at £5.00 plus p&p from the Dracula Society, PO Box 30848, London, W12 OGY.
The Dracula Society web site: http://www.thedraculasociety.org.uk
“Every single piece in this book is of a high standard and very well written … I would very much recommend this for anyone who loves vampires and short stories – you will not be disappointed.”
Review by Becky Probert in “The Chronicles”, issue 25 (out now)
Tina Rath also has a story in STRANGE TALES, edited by Rosalie Parker, Tartarus Press, 2003, £27.50
“The well known talents of Tina Rath are richly reinforced by one of the cleverest weird tales it has been my pleasure to read: “Mr Manpferdit” skilfully captures the freakishness of seedy eighteenth century London in a laconic character study of Dr Johnson and the lecherous Boswell as they go off in search of something more esoteric than a night on the town; after reading this story one might indeed agree with the good doctor that “he who is tired of London is tired of life”
Review by Peter Bell in ALL HALLOWS 35 (out now)